Sensitivity/Empathy Training for the Workplace
1:1 Anti-Bullying and Harassment Solutions
Many organizations have an employee who's been accused of bullying, harassment, or workplace violence.
They often do not know what to do, especially if the employee has skills and knowledge they would like to retain.
We have been helping private businesses and organizations for over 20 years with our transformative approach to dealing with this critical, sensitive and often legal issue.
Taking a nonjudgmental and supportive approach, we respectfully challenge the employees, offer them opportunities for self-reflection, and guide them to take responsibility and control for the impact of their actions on others. Empathy exercises help them understand what it might feel like to be on the receiving end of their abuse. They learn the far-reaching effects of their abusive behaviours. Most importantly, they can develop and practice new skills, bring questions, and work through challenging workplace situations during training and coaching sessions.
Quick, generic solutions to a deeply rooted and complex problem cannot be resolved through passive training delivered on-demand or similar programs. While they are the least expensive option, they can backfire. (In this blog, I share the experience of one of my clients.)
Not surprisingly, many participants who have completed the program cite reduced stress and anger and improved relationships at work and home. They have found more empowering and respectful ways to handle workplace situations that elicit favourable outcomes, bolstering their confidence and self-esteem. This is a win-win for all.
We have experience dealing with all types of harassment and bullying, such as sexual harassment, racism, homophobia, religious bigotry, ageism, and ableism, among others. Whether it is an inappropriate joke or a consistently intimidating and aggressive communication style, we have you covered with our training.
Drawing upon her five years as a group counsellor for an anger management program, research, and education in mediation, coupled with her lived experiences as a victim of workplace bullying and harassment, Evelina Silveira, the founder, has designed a well-rounded, signature program.
Training Highlights include:
The role of power and control.
The impact their bullying has on victims
How to manage their anger.
Assertive Communication and how to listen non-defensively
How to handle criticism.
Skills for preventing future relapses.
How to replace intimidation with respect.
Evelina provides sensitivity training worldwide. We train your employee in person or online over two sessions (10 hours total over two weeks, including post-training exercises). Problem behaviour is respectfully challenged, and your employee is given constructive coping skills tailored to the workplace.
Shorter training sessions may be available. Please inquire.
Upon completion, an itemized and detailed report is submitted to the employer, and a phone follow-up is provided a few months later. However, our training program is not only restricted to your staff—but we also provide sensitivity training for leaders as they are responsible for creating an inclusive workplace free of harassment and bullying.
The report will outline:
The employee gains new knowledge and personal insights.
A comprehensive summary of the content is provided.
Specific recommendations for subsequent professional development.
Referrals where warranted.
Check out our blogs about workplace bullying, written by Evelina Silveira.